Some missions are offered by neutral parties and do not drive the main storyline (though they do occasionally affect the TNS News bulletins). In story mode, the player chooses missions from the Job Board. This is intended to provide an ease-of-motion where the player can strafe, fly backwards and otherwise maintain a higher level of control over their spacecraft. Among several features, (such as power and shield management), the game implements "sliding", where the player can maintain a constant velocity while having free control over the orientation of their spacecraft. Tachyon: The Fringe is a first-person space combat simulator. Jake then escorts the defecting Bora leader to the GalSpan side, who urges the Bora to abandon their homes in the face of the unstoppable GalSpan to resettle further out in the frontier.

After many successes GalSpan completes their new Hephaestus station, causing the Bora to launch an all-out assault, which Jake defeats. GalSpan meanwhile offers the chance to work for them, defending GalSpan interests and destroying Bora "terrorists". After many setbacks, Jake overcomes overwhelming odds to destroy the massive new Hephaestus mining station live in front of the Tachyon News Service, humiliating GalSpan and tanking their share price, forcing them to shut down their operations in the fringe and leave the Bora alone. If the player sides with the Bora, they fight to stymy the "Spanner" attempts to demoralise and displace the Bora, and sabotage GalSpan operations. The Bora want to declare independence in the Bora sector, threatening GalSpan's profits in the region. The primary conflict in the Fringe is between the Galactic Span (GalSpan) corporation and the Bora colonists for mining rights in the Fringe, and they each offer a new start. Early in the campaign you are framed for the terrorist bombing of a starbase and are exiled to the Fringe, barred forever from your home. You take the role of Jake Logan, a mercenary fighter pilot working comfortably in the Sol system. Out on the Fringe, where Star Patrol has little presence, megacorporations, pirate clans and colonist groups clash, frequently violently. The Sol system is a place of relative peace, which is kept by the police force called Star Patrol. The story of Tachyon: The Fringe is set in the 26th century, where mankind has left Earth to colonize the far reaches of space, and has many characteristics of a space opera.